Giving you the Low Down on Acupuncture & Acupressure Mats

Acupuncture works, people. & I mean it seriously works.

I did it one time and immediately felt so much better after my treatment. I almost can’t believe I waited this long to try it.

If you don’t know what acupuncture is, let me tell you: Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practiced for centuries. It’s based on the theory that energy, called chi, flows through and around your body along pathways called meridians. It is to be believed that illness occurs when something blocks or unbalances your chi. Acupuncture is a way to unblock or influence chi and help it flow back into balance.”

Before I start, make sure if you’re getting acupuncture done that you’re going to an appropriately trained practitioner who is nationally certified and licensed by your state. 

Before my treatment, I did a consultation with my practitioner. During the consultation we discussed what I wanted to see out of my treatment. I wanted to see my tension be released, reduce my anxiousness, and relieve my stress.

That’s exactly what she did. She placed one needle in-between my eyebrows (this one felt the best by far), a couple on each wrist, one on my thigh, a couple on each ankle, and one on the top of my foot.

She told me to relax and not have my body be tensed up. If I was tense then I wouldn’t have a good acupuncture experience. If I relax then I’ll fall asleep, which is exactly what happened. I fell asleep right away and stayed asleep for the full 50 minutes. When I woke, I felt refreshed. I didn’t feel confused or foggy like the way you do when you wake up from a midday nap. The whole experience was incredible. It’s not even a question if I’ll go back.

So yeah, ditch the anxiety medication and try this wellness treatment!

My practitioner said to do an acupuncture treatment once a week to see long term results.

I’m sure many of you are wondering if the needles hurt or are scary. I’ve never had a problem with needles, so I didn’t find them to be scary whatsoever. The placing of the needle into the skin doesn’t necessarily hurt, but you do feel it. The needle doesn’t go far into the skin, so once the needle is in, you don’t feel it at all.

If anyone suffers from anxiety, stress, depression, or digestive problems try out acupuncture to see how you like it. It may be the perfect thing you’ve been looking for, or it may not be and that’s okay!

Intimidated by acupuncture or can’t really afford it? Don’t worry, I have you covered!

This little dude is called an Acupressure Mat or a “Bed of Nails”.

& it works wonders right from your home, I swear.

My favorite is the pillow. I use the pillow while I read almost every night before bed. It helps reduce any tension I have in my neck and shoulders, takes my anxiety away, and calms me.

My boyfriend thinks I’m crazy because I’m laying my head on a bed of nails. He also thinks it hurts like hell. But I love it. I can take the hurt. It’s a good kind of hurt, but I have an extremely high pain tolerance. Most women do, at least compared to men!

According to Bed of Nails, Bed of Nails® is similar to acupuncture; the pressure of the rounded nails against the skin may help the body release endorphins, the body’s very own “happiness drug” which provides a sense of joy, energy and pain relief, and oxytocin, which induces a sense of calm (yes, it is possible to feel energetic and relaxed at the same time!). Bed of Nails is an excellent self-treatment for stimulating energy in the body. While triggering the body’s innate way of healing itself, it is an effective tool for easing tension and inducing a state of deep relaxation. Bed of Nails may also help the body rid itself of toxins, so it is important to drink water after using Bed of Nails. Everybody reacts differently to Bed of Nails, and the effects can even vary from time to time; after using Bed of Nails, you may feel tired, hungry, happy, alert. Many people experience feelings of happiness, relaxation, improved circulation, heightened body temperature, increased vitality, and a clearer state of mind.”

More about the Acupressure mat:

The mat is made up of 8000 acupressure points that provide that instant relief. You want to try to use the mat or pillow daily for 20-30 minutes to see the best results. I find laying on the mat with a light shirt on works the best. You can lay on the mat with no shirt but the points on the mat could potentially be too uncomfortable for some people. The mat is great to use on sore muscles. If regularly used, the mat can improve your digestion, provide pain relief, reduce stress, reduce the signs of cellulite, and help with insomnia.

Like I said, I love to use the pillow before I go to bed. It really takes away any anxiousness I built up throughout the day and it relieves any stress I may have. It’s also perfect to use when I have a headache. I hate taking ibuprofen to relieve headaches so the pillow really is useful! You can buy the mat and pillow on Amazon and they’re extremely affordable!

Let me know if you have any more questions regarding acupuncture or the acupressure mat, I’d be happy to answer!!

xx, Aubrianna


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