Badass Books I’ve Finished


Well hey there, lovely people. Happy Friday!

So like what’s up, how’s life going?

Life for me is….seriously good, but still stressful. Whose life isn’t stressful nowadays? If you know of someone who lives a stress free life or you are that someone, leave a comment below so we can chitchat, and you can share your secrets with me! I don’t bite, promise.

Quick question: How do you feel about me swearing? Like how I used “Badass” in the title? If we’re being brutally honest here, which I will always, ALWAYS be honest with you guys. I swear. No, no, no, not just a little “shit” here or there, like I’m always spewing swear words. I KNOW, sue me! I have a potty mouth, I’m sorry. But for me to be myself on my blog, I’m going to swear on blog posts, because that’s just ME. I’m not trying to be someone else when I write these blog posts. I’m being me. SO, sorry in advance if this offends you, but I gotta do me! XO

(If you knew my step-dad, then you’d know that my potty mouth has nothing on his, LOL.)


This year I’ve done a lot of reading, well what I consider to be a lot of reading for myself. And yes, I’ve read some pretty badass books, so I figured I’d share them with you.

+ the life-changing magic of tidying up, by Marie Kondo

This book is all about decluttering and organizing your home. You never want to keep an item in your home that doesn’t spark joy or bring some sort of happiness to you. She wants people to realize that if you have a clean and tidy home, you’ll have a calm mindset. Which is totally the case for me. If I have a cluttered or messy home, I become anxious and it overwhelms me. One thing I’m great at is cleaning and being organized, ask anyone I’m close to and they’ll tell you the same thing. Besides, who wants to live in a dirty home anyways??

+ What I Know For Sure, by Oprah Winfrey

Ahhh, Oprah. We all know of her, and most of us love her. I loved her even more after I read her book. Her book is so touching. She goes on to talk about her life struggles, and how those struggles have made her who she is. Her book focuses around just living a full life, whatever that means to you. And she has a way with words, in a way that she makes you feel how she felt in her experiences that she talks about in the her book. Not to mention, she’s brilliant, loving, kind, generous, and so many other things. Also, she is so much like you or me. Her favorite thing to do is shut her phone off on Sundays, take a warm bath, and then read a book by her fire place under a cozy blanket. How original, right!? Love it, so much.

+ #GIRLBOSS, by Sophia Amoruso

If you don’t know who Sophia Amoruso is, then you need to get off social media for a bit and learn about her. Better yet, read her book! She’s the founder and owner of Nasty Gal, and she’s a total badass! Her book outlines her career from the beginning to the present, and how she has totally killed it in the fashion industry. She tells you how YOU can be a #GIRLBOSS. She’s incredibly inspirational. Why, you may ask? Well, let’s just say she started from the bottom, LITERALLY, and now she owns a 280 million dollar company. CHA-CHING. It all began on eBay, where she opened her first store and sold clothing items that she found at thrift stores. But that’s all I’m telling you because you seriously need to read it for yourself. Your mind will be blown, promise.

Fav quotes by her:

“Own your own style like you own your used car.”

“Money looks better in the bank than on your feet.”

“A #GIRLBOSS knows when to throw punches and when to roll with them.”

+ A Babe’s Sexy, Sassy Fitness And Lifestyle Guide, by Lauryn Evarts

Lauryn Evarts is ALSO a badass babe. She’s the creator of The Skinny Confidential, my absolute favorite blog. Her lifestyle guide is exactly that – a guide! It’s a super quick, but fun read! I finished the book while laying out by the pool (with sunscreen, of course). She shares so many tips and tricks that have to do with life! She talks about “faking it until you make it”, healthy food, how to improve your skin, working out, relationships, and many more topics. Lauryn has a gift for writing, and her personality beams though her words. If you love any of those topics that I just listed, you’ll love her book.

+ STRONG Looks better Naked, by Khloe Kardashian

And lastly, KoKo’s book. Her book covers A LOT more than just how she transformed her body. It’s about how she transformed her life, but working out was the reason for that. Working out gave her the body she’s always wanted, and it also gave her a better outlook on life. She talks about personal topics as well. Like when she and Lamar divorced, which destroyed her. And how she coped with losing her dad. She’s been through hell and back like everyone else. Reading her book, you don’t think she’s just some dumb Kardashian who got famous from reality TV. She’s a real person, with actual feelings, who experiences love and negativity like everyone else. She’s also very intelligent, and she knows how to give great advice. That’s what the book is, it’s giving the readers advice on how to get through the tough times the way she did. You won’t regret reading this book!



There you have it, some badass books that you’ll enjoy reading!

XX, Aubrianna


2 comments so far.

2 responses to “Badass Books I’ve Finished”

  1. Gitana says:

    I’ve read Khloe’s book (amaze) and I’ve been wanting to read the tidying up one SO bad.. Maybe now I will!

    Good post!



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